

时间:2024-02-22 WAP浏览

N-SING 作用;影响 The hand of someone or something is their influence in an event or situation. The hand of the military authorities can be s

比如想请求别人帮助give me a hand时 有的人却完全置之不理 可以这样形容: I asked Amy's for help, but she sat on his hands. 请Amy帮助,可是她却

N-SING If someone asks an audience to give someone a hand, they are asking the audience to clap loudly, usually before or after that person performs

我厂专业生产手工为特色产品的丝绸服饰,采用手的图形及HAND作为商标,首先是它有着明显的标志性特征,是为了体现商标与产品更加贴切。 产品特色 HAND品牌服饰色彩绚丽

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